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New Vodcast Series Produced by SFNet and Sponsored by Hilco Global Premiers

SFNet and Barry Bobrow have partnered to produce a series of video and audio podcasts focused on important trends and developments in secured lending.



SFNet and Barry Bobrow have partnered to produce a series of video and audio podcasts focused on important trends and developments in secured lending. The “In The Know” podcasts will be a series of conversations with compelling thought leaders on important topics impacting the finance and secured lending markets. These brief and engaging discussions will give you information and perspectives critical to being more successful in your businesses by keeping you “In The Know.”

Episode #1

State of the Direct Lending Market with Guest Randy Schwimmer

Host Barry Bobrow explores the current state of the direct lending market and how it is benefiting from the disruptions of the broadly syndicated debt markets, with his guest Randy Schwimmer, founder of The Lead Left (where any friend of Barry’s will get free access).



The podcast is also available on your favorite streaming service starting July 6.


“SFNet presents In The Know” is sponsored by



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Manufacturing Today India