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Hilco Report Points to Disruptive Change Ahead for Health Care Real Estate Market

Hilco Global has issued a timely and relevant report examining how the COVID-19 pandemic is reshaping the configuration of critical and other care facilities, and what that is likely to mean for hospitals and the broader health care real estate market moving forward.

Appraisal Considerations Shifting as COVID-19 Disrupts Health Care Delivery, co-authored by John Satter and Adam Zimmerman of Hilco Valuation Services, looks at how the processes and revised configurations quickly put into place for managing patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to evolve into a series of future organizational and facilities planning requirements/best practices that will alter how care is delivered moving ahead.

The report also explores how the crisis has intensified an overall focus on both antiquated and shuttered medical facilities nationwide and the best future use of these structures and their associated real estate.

“Before COVID-19, prevailing thought might have been to repurpose spaces that previously served as ERs into urgent care centers, and those that were ORs into surgi-centers,” says Satter. “Moving forward, that may not be the case.”  

To obtain a copy of the report or schedule an interview with John Satter or Adam Zimmerman, contact Gary Epstein- Chief Marketing Officer, Hilco Global at

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