
VA Automotive Hässleholm, Sweden


Va-Automotive, in Hässleholm and its subsidiary VA-Tooling AB in Tyringe, Sweden, a well known Swedish Tier 1 supplier of metal components to the Automotive Industry, entered into bankruptcy in May 2018. The Receiver continued the business in Hässleholm for a period of almost one year, while the business in Tyringe closed in June 2018.


– Private Treaty Sales- Series of Online Auction Sales


VA-Automotive in Hässleholm; Fully fitted Press- Welding- and Assembly Shop in HässleholmVA-Tooling AB in Tyringe; Tool & Die Shop with Try-Out Presses.


The receiver sold the Machinery & Equipment of both businesses to the highest bidder, Hilco paid immediately when the assets became available. Hilco entered into a contract with the receiver in October 2018 and started immediately selling the Machinery & Equipment from VA-Tooling in Tyringe and started preparations to market the Machinery & Equipment in Hässleholm, while the factory was still in production.


Hilco sold most of the larger Presses by Private Treaty and conducted two major auctions, December 2018 in Tyringe for the Tool & Die Machinery and May 2019 in Hässleholm, both auctions were very successful. The smaller equipment was sold in 4 different online auctions before and after the summer of 2019. Most of the Buyers for the Equipment were European and Middle Eastern companies.


The sale and removal were planned to take us 14 months; however we managed to return the facilities within 12 months without any problems.