
Kongsberg Maritime, Norway


Manufacturer of Marine Propulsion Equipment, such as thrusters and propellers. Kongsberg Maritime decided to close down their machine shop in Ulsteinvik in 2020.


All sales were Private Treaty Sales. Due to Covid, most of the buyers of the could not inspect the machines and therefore we arranged virtual inspections.


Late model medium size CNC Horizontal and Vertical Machining Centers, Flexible Machining Systems (FMS) Horizontal and Vertical Turning Centers.


Unfortunately, due to Covid, our team was not allowed to enter Norway at that time and we inspected all machines and equipment by a Virtual Meeting, with the manager showing us each machine and its accessories from many different angles. We immediately were impressed by the quality and high upkeep of the machines and soon afterwards entered into a Purchase Agreement.


Hilco organized Private Treaty Sales and sold all machines to buyers from Australia, China, India, Norway, Spain and Turkey.


Due to Covid, most of the time inspections were impossible, but we were impressed that so many buyers purchased the machines by virtual inspections.